rabbitmq chef cookbook. this is a cookbook for managing rabbitmq with chef. supported chef versions. this cookbook targets chef 12.1 and later.. Chef-cookbook - development repository for chef cookbook rabbitmq. team rabbitmq uses github issues for specific actionable items engineers can work on.. 1password homesick rabbitmq 7-zip hostname rabbitmq-management amazonec2tag hosts rabbitmq_chef r chef cookbook_name: apache2 instiki:.
We have a couple of crusty aws hosts running a rabbitmq implementation in a cluster. we need to upgrade the hardware, and therefore we developed a chef cookbook to spawn replacement servers.. Using chef to setup a rabbitmq cluster you should see vagrant boot up each node and then run the rabbitmq chef cookbook on each.. Yum gpg keys note: if you installed rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server with our bash script, chef cookbook, or puppet module the gpg key is automatically installed..